Who is behind InfestedWithHumans.org?
Hi, I’m Eric Elfner, a not-so-retired human.

This site and the associated apps are just a few of my many and varied endeavors. At this point, I do everything myself: coding, marketing, website, support, video production, graphics, accounting, … You get the picture. The good news is that I really do love almost all of these tasks, especially when it allows me to learn something new or show off my talents. The not so good news is that I continue to spread myself very thin, so it is difficult for me to get to everything and it is a continual battle of priorities.
Beyond this, I have several other initiatives going on. My most well known app is MySongbook. You can read about it here.
I do have a “business” website at zCage.com that is little more than a place holder. Lots of ideas for it, but no immediate plans. (Always something…)

Prior to going Indie, I was a corporate enterprise Java developer. I got intrigued by Apple products and mobile applications long ago. Then in 2014 dove in full time leaving my full-time job and starting up zCage.com Apps LLC. Over the last couple of years, I have been doing mostly Flutter development.
Please drop me a note at info @zcage.com or check out my other apps.
Thanks for looking, Eric