Simple Heat Pump Explainer

A simple explanation of how a heat pump works. Punchline: It is an air conditioner running in reverse! Heat: The difference between Hot and Cold Let’s get the difficult concept out of the way first. What we experience as heat and cold are levels of ENERGY. If something is HOT, it has more energy. If … Read more

NetZero: Day 1

After literally years of planning, I’m finally underway with my journey to a “Net Zero” energy house. Efficiency Vermont thinks any house can get to net zero, but only certain homes can do it at a reasonable cost. I’m trying to do it at the most reasonable cost possible. Net zero is the balance between … Read more

How Efficient is my House?

My interests in data driven decisions and efficient housing has led me to 2 different analyses of my new house in Cincinnati, Ohio. The first is doing a “Heat Load Analysis” based on actual inside and outside temperatures and actual heating data. This gives a very precise indication of how much energy is required to … Read more