2023 is a hot one!

Ouch! This is pretty dramatic. I know that there can be a lot of temperature variance over the years, but the bad news just keeps on coming. https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/t2_daily/ We are so fried! Full paper: https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/15/1675/2023/ Plot NOAA data here: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/climate-at-a-glance/global/time-series/globe/land_ocean/1/6/1850-2023

Planet Earth – We are so screwed!

Today, I can across some references to a recently published paper in Nature entitled, “Safe and just Earth system boundaries.” The paper seems in line with why I created this website, so I decided to check out the primary source. After hours of trying to distill it, I’m left frustrated. My take on this article … Read more

2023 Tesla Investor Day: Software

Tesla’s Investor Day was yesterday, Wednesday 2023-03-01. As with all the special event days (AI Day, Battery Day, AI Day 2), yesterday’s Investor Day just cannot be appreciated by most people. Tesla is just looking further into the future than almost everyone understands. This morning, I quickly looked at Rob Mauer’s 28-minute “Super Cut” of … Read more

EV trip and Bike ride around Memphis

Memphis Bike loop, North section

On Tuesday, May 11th, 2022, I decided it was time for an out-of-town trip. I had just completed a consultation with a sleep doctor the day before and left feeling very hopeful about fixing my lack of quality sleep. I found a campsite where I could charge my EV then went to Walmart and bought … Read more